August 9–12, 2018 | Asheville, North Carolina

Photo of sun over mountains

NCBE and the Council of Bar Admission Administrators (CBAA) held their joint 2018 Annual Meeting at the Renaissance Asheville Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina, on August 9–12. Thirty-eight jurisdictions were represented by 85 attendees.

Meeting attendees were welcomed on Friday morning by outgoing NCBE chair Hon. Rebecca White Berch (Ret.) of Arizona and outgoing CBAA chair Emily J. Eschweiler of Minnesota. The 11 CBAA committees met during the morning and into the afternoon, and four plenary sessions were presented on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. NCBE president Judith A. Gundersen also addressed attendees on Saturday morning to inform CBAA members about activities at NCBE and other developments of interest to the bar admissions community. At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting, the CBAA held its business meeting, during which committee chairs reported on the committee meetings that had taken place and administrators announced news from their jurisdictions.

The NCBE/CBAA Annual Meeting is the occasion at which a CBAA member is recognized for outstanding service to the bar admissions community. This year’s recipient of the Outstanding Bar Admissions Administrator Award was Susan Q. Gleeson, Director of Examinations for the Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Admissions, who served as CBAA chair in 2007–08. Gleeson was recognized for her 39 years of service with the Colorado Supreme Court—37 years of which were with the Colorado Board of Law Examiners and later the Office of Attorney Admissions. Gleeson retired at the end of August 2018.

The Annual Meeting marks the change in leadership of the CBAA Executive Committee. Outgoing CBAA immediate past chair Mark A. Huntsberger of Florida recognized outgoing CBAA chair Emily J. Eschweiler for her service on the Executive Committee during the 2017–18 term and welcomed Marilyn J. Wellington of Massachusetts as CBAA chair for the 2018–19 term.

The Annual Meeting also marks the change in leadership of the NCBE Board of Trustees, and it is the occasion at which a former NCBE chair is honored for exceptional service to NCBE. On Saturday evening, NCBE held its annual recognition dinner for the NCBE Board of Trustees, at which former NCBE chair Hon. Thomas J. Bice of Iowa was honored for his outstanding service to NCBE. Bice served on the NCBE Board of Trustees from 2008 to 2017 and as chair from 2015 to 2016. Outgoing NCBE chair Hon. Rebecca White Berch also recognized outgoing NCBE Board member Robert A. Chong of Hawaii, who served on the Board from 2009 to 2018 and as chair from 2016 to 2017. Berch then welcomed incoming chair Michele A. (Missy) Gavagni of Florida for the 2018–19 term.

At the conclusion of the recognition dinner, outgoing NCBE chair Berch was recognized for her service as 2017–18 chair. Those speaking to honor Berch were Michele Gavagni, Judith A. Gundersen, incoming chair-elect Hon. Cynthia L. Martin of Missouri, incoming secretary Hulett H. (Bucky) Askew of Georgia, Board member Timothy Y. Wong of Minnesota, Board member Suzanne K. Richards of Ohio, and outgoing Board member Robert A. Chong.

The following four plenary sessions were presented during the meeting:

Differences in Character and Fitness Models

How do different jurisdictions approach the character and fitness investigations process for applicants seeking admission to the bar? Representatives from three jurisdictions shared their processes. (Speakers: Allison Drish, Director of Character and Fitness, Texas Board of Law Examiners; Michele Gavagni, Executive Director, Florida Board of Bar Examiners; Nancy Vincent, Director of Administration, Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar; Moderator: Kathleen Harrington, Deputy Director of Attorney Services, Connecticut Bar Examining Committee)

What Makes an Exam Day Occurrence an “Irregularity”?

Two representatives from NCBE discussed disruptions that can occur during the exam (e.g., lighting issues or noise in the exam room, technical problems with laptop testing), the crucial step of properly documenting an irregularity, and the analysis NCBE undertakes to assist jurisdictions in determining the impact of the irregularity. (Speakers: C. Beth Hill, Director of Test and Information Security, National Conference of Bar Examiners; Douglas Ripkey, Deputy Director of Testing, National Conference of Bar Examiners)

Mental Health and Wellness Issues in the Bar Admissions Process

The directors of two lawyer assistance programs discussed the prevalence of substance abuse and other mental health concerns among law students and lawyers, the ways in which lawyer assistance programs and those involved in the admissions process can work together, and the lawyer well-being movement and recommendations for promoting well-being among law students and lawyers. (Speakers: Terry Harrell, Executive Director, Indiana Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program; Yvette Hourigan, Director, Kentucky Lawyers Assistance Program)

Test Site Security: How to Protect Your Exam Site

Representatives from four jurisdictions discussed the steps taken in their jurisdictions to ensure test site security—from measures taken prior to exam day to procedures followed on exam day itself and following the exam. (Speakers: Emily Eschweiler, Director, Minnesota Board of Law Examiners; Nahdiah Hoang, Director of Eligibility and Examination, Texas Board of Law Examiners; Christine Kenefick, Deputy Executive Director, New York State Board of Law Examiners; Bradley Skolnik, Executive Director, Indiana Office of Admissions and Continuing Education)

Photos of Speakers

Mental Health and Wellness Issues in the Bar Admissions Process

Mental Health and Wellness Issues in the Bar Admissions Process Terry Harrell, Yvette Hourigan

Terry Harrell, Yvette Hourigan

What Makes an Exam Day Occurrence an “Irregularity”?

What Makes an Exam Day Occurrence an “Irregularity”? Beth Hill, Douglas Ripkey (both NCBE)

Beth Hill, Douglas Ripkey (both NCBE)

Differences in Character and Fitness Models

 Differences in Character and Fitness Models Kathleen Harrington (CT, moderator), Michele Gavagni (FL), Allison Drish (TX), Nancy Vincent (IL)

Kathleen Harrington (CT, moderator), Michele Gavagni (FL), Allison Drish (TX), Nancy Vincent (IL)

Test Site Security: How to Protect Your Exam Site

Test Site Security: How to Protect Your Exam Site Bradley Skolnik (IN), Christine Kenefick (NY), Nahdiah Hoang (TX), Emily Eschweiler (MN)

Bradley Skolnik (IN), Christine Kenefick (NY), Nahdiah Hoang (TX), Emily Eschweiler (MN)

Asheville in Photos

Susan Gleeson (CO)

Susan Gleeson (CO)

Anthony Simon (MS)

Anthony Simon (MS)

Robert Chong (HI)

Robert Chong (HI)

Barry Garrison (KS)

Barry Garrison (KS)

Belinda Brown (ID), Duane Schuster (IL)

Belinda Brown (ID), Duane Schuster (IL)

Diane Bosse (NY), Hon. Phyllis Thompson (DC)

Diane Bosse (NY), Hon. Phyllis Thompson (DC)

2017–2018 CBAA Executive Committee  Mark A. Huntsberger (FL), Emily J. Eschweiler (MN), Marilyn J. Wellington (MA), Kathleen B. Harrington (CT), Bradley W. Skolnik (IN)2017–2018 CBAA Executive Committee
Mark A. Huntsberger (FL), Emily J. Eschweiler (MN), Marilyn J. Wellington (MA), Kathleen B. Harrington (CT), Bradley W. Skolnik (IN)

Group photo of NCBE Board members, see caption for names2017–2018 NCBE Board of TrusteesFront row: Suzanne K. Richards (OH), Robert A. Chong (HI), Hon. Rebecca White Berch (AZ), Anthony R. Simon (MS)Second row: Timothy Y. Wong (MN), Hon. Cynthia L. Martin (MO), Michele A. Gavagni (FL), Judith A. Gundersen (NCBE)Back row: John J. McAlary (NY), Patrick R. Dixon (CA), Darin B. Scheer (WY), Hon. Phyllis D. Thompson (DC), Hulett H. Askew (GA)

Augustin Rivera, Jr. (TX), Hon. Rebecca White Berch (AZ)

Augustin Rivera, Jr. (TX), Hon. Rebecca White Berch (AZ)

Hon. Thomas J. Bice

Hon. Thomas J. Bice (IA)

Hon. Rebecca White Berch (Ret.)

Hon. Rebecca White Berch (AZ)

Gus Quiniones (WA)

Gus Quiniones (WA)

Dawn McKnight (CO)

Dawn McKnight (CO)

CBAA committee meeting attendees

CBAA committee meeting attendees


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