October 1–3, 2018 | Madison, Wisconsin

Mini-conference speakers and attendees

64 people attended, representing 40 jurisdictions
On October 1–3, 2018, NCBE hosted a mini-conference for bar examiners at the Madison Concourse Hotel on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus.
The goal of the mini-conference was to provide bar examiners with targeted training in the key elements of a high-stakes licensing examination: testing, grading, scoring, and exam administration. Understanding these concepts helps those who create, grade, or oversee bar examinations in their jurisdictions to be more effective at what they do.
5 plenary sessions:
- Basic Concepts in Testing
- The Role of Multiple-Choice Questions
- The Role of Written Components: MEE and MPT
- Scaling and Cut Scores
- Test Security—We’re a Team!
2 breakout sessions:
- Bar Exam Administration 101
- A Closer Look at Essay Questions
The program concluded with a wrap-up of testing concepts and a group discussion.

Mini-conference attendees

Nina Chang, NCBE

Sonja Olson, NCBE

Ingrid Jorgenson, Beth Hill (both NCBE)

Marilyn Wellington (MA), Doug Ripkey (NCBE)